East Lombok Seaweed Ready for Downstream, Can be Used to Produce Biofuel
(February 24th, 2024) Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is planning to visit East Lombok, precisely in Teluk Ekas, Jerowaru District. The arrival of the number one person in Indonesia will monitor the Showcase Pilot Project of large-scale seaweed cultivation integrated upstream-downstream, because East Lombok is included in the development of Blue Food.
Acting Regent of East Lombok, M Juaini Taofik said that the current government program is focusing on downstream, one of which will be reviewed by President Jokowi, namely the downstream seaweed in Teluk Ekas. "So far, we have grown seaweed in East Lombok and sent it out, now in Ekas a factory from PT. Sea6 Energy is being built," he said on Friday (23/02/2024).
The seaweed cultivation area in East Lombok, especially in Ekas Bay, reaches 100 hectares. Later the harvest can be directly downstreamed by making a factory to create a superior product such as biofuel.
Catches Drop Drastically, Maluku Tuna Fishermen Urge Government to Revise Rules for Fishing Under 12 Miles
(February 22nd, 2024) Tuna fishermen in Air Panas Hamlet, Tulehu Village, Salahutu District, Central Maluku Regency, Maluku, complain about government regulations that limit small fishermen to fishing below 12 miles. While currently there are more fish above 20 miles from the coast.
The regulation in question is the Regulation of the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (Permen KP) No.18/2021 concerning the Placement of Fishing Gear and Fishing Aids in the State Fisheries Management Area of the Republic of Indonesia and the High Seas and the Arrangement of Fishing Andons. La Irfan, Head of the Traditional Tuna Fishermen Group in Air Panas Hamlet, admitted that because of this regulation, the catch of fishermen, especially tuna fishermen, has decreased dramatically, including the tuna fishermen group in Air Panas Hamlet. This condition is further exacerbated by erratic weather in Maluku waters.
Trenggono Implements 5 Blue Economy Policies to Realize Golden Indonesia 2045
(February 21st, 2024) Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) Sakti Wahyu Trenggono emphasized the importance of implementing five (5) blue economy policies. According to him, the implementation of the blue economy is important to encourage the realization of the Golden Indonesia 2045 with healthy seas.
The five blue economy policies include increasing the area of marine conservation areas; quota-based measured fishing; sustainable development of marine, coastal, and land aquaculture; management and supervision of coastal areas and small islands; and management of plastic waste in the sea through the fishermen participation movement.
"The five blue economy programs are part of the MMAF's efforts to realize a Golden Indonesia in 2045 through the marine and fisheries sector," Trenggono said as quoted from the MMAF's official website, Wednesday, February 21.
BRIN Provides Remote Sensing Satellite Imagery Data and Information Services
(February 15th, 2024) The development of satellite technology has brought great impact in various fields such as telecommunications, navigation, environmental monitoring, and space exploration. The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) as a research institution has one of the duties to organize integrated space activities. This is stated in Presidential Regulation Number 78 of 2021.
One of the activities of organizing space is remote sensing which includes data acquisition services, data processing, data storage and distribution, and data utilization and information dissemination.
Some of the benefits of remote sensing data include monitoring environmental changes such as deforestation, land use change, soil degradation, and decreased water quality. Remote sensing data can also be used for quick and accurate mapping of floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tropical storms. In addition, remote sensing data can also be used for climate change monitoring, agriculture, urban mapping, and transportation navigation.
MMAF Develops Areas for Shrimp, Seaweed, Tilapia, Crab and Lobster
(February 12th, 2024) The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) is developing area-based modeling for five leading commodities, namely shrimp, seaweed, tilapia, crab, and lobster, as an effort to accelerate the development of sustainable aquaculture in Indonesia.
Director General of Aquaculture Fisheries, Tb. Haeru Rahayu explained MMAF's strategy in boosting the production of superior export commodities from Indonesia, one of which is through modeling development efforts. Previously, MMAF had built a modeling area-based shrimp pond in Kebumen, Central Java. Furthermore, MMAF will also prepare the development of integrated upstream and downstream shrimp farming in East Sumba Regency, East Nusa Tenggara.
"The development prioritizes the principle of environmental sustainability, and prioritizes the absorption of local labor. It is expected that from the modeling development program and revitalization of shrimp ponds, there will be an increase in Indonesian shrimp exports to USD2.1 billion by 2024," Tebe said.
Indonesia and Korea Mapping Coastal Areas using VTOL Fixed-Wing Drones
(January 30th, 2024) Korea-Indonesia Marine Technology Cooperation Research Center (MTCRC) is a joint research center in the field of marine science and technology between Korea and Indonesia.
The training on the use of remote sensing equipment titled "Mapping Coastal Areas Using Vertical Take-off Landing (VTOL) Fixed Wing Drone" was held at the Soekarno Science and Technology Center (KST), Cibinong, last Monday-Friday (22-26/1). The training encouraged knowledge exchange between Korea and Indonesia by conducting advanced coastal area mapping using VTOL fixed-wing drones.
"Through this comprehensive training, we are committed to empowering the expertise of researchers and policymakers in Indonesia with the required skills, boosting their ability to contribute significantly to the success of the broader rehabilitation program, and creating a sustainable impact on Indonesia's coastal ecosystems," said MTCRC Director Park Hansan.
Indonesian Coast Guard: A Solution to the Complexity of Maritime Challenges
(January 24th, 2024) Indonesia's ocean, as the center of life for coastal communities, has a strategic role involving national security and state sovereignty. The vast existence of the sea provides challenges and opportunities that require a holistic approach to maintain ecosystem sustainability and state security.
With this in mind, the Government of Indonesia on June 27, 2023, took a bold step by establishing the Indonesian Coast Guard, an institution realized through a fusion process between two main entities, namely the Maritime Security Agency (BAKAMLA) and the Sea and Coast Guard Unit (KPLP). The decision to establish the Indonesian Coast Guard is more than just a response to a concrete threat. It is also an important milestone in making Indonesia a strong and secure maritime nation.
UNDIP, UGM, IPB and ITB Meeting with Pukyong National University (PKNU) – South Korea
(January 18th, 2024) Representatives from the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Diponegoro University, Dr. Aninditia Sabdaningsih, S.Si, M.Si as Head of the Master and Doctoral Study Program in Aquatic Resources Management had the opportunity to fulfill the invitation from the Marine Technology Cooperation Research Center (MTCRC). The activity took place on Thursday, January 18, 2024 located at the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment Building, Central Jakarta.
Cooperation between the Government of Korea and Indonesia in the form of the Official Development Assistance (ODA) Project entitled 'Establishment of the Integrated Ocean Fisheries Technology Training Center and Enhancing Capacity Building in Indonesia', which has been going on since June 6, 2023 started one of its implementations by organizing a Master's level scholarship program in Indonesia and Korean Doctorate. On this occasion, as one of the scholarship organizing universities, Pukyong National University (PKNU).
MMAF Increases Collaboration on Blue Economy Development
(January 17th, 2024) The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) through the Directorate General of Marine Spatial Management is enhancing collaboration on blue economy development governance through the Blue Health pillar within the framework of the National Blue Agenda Partnership Action (NBAAP) involving relevant ministries/agencies, the United Nations (UN) and other development partners.
"MMAF's blue economy priority program is aligned with and supports the National Blue Agenda Action Partnership. Activities that have been carried out by the Directorate General of Marine Spatial Management (Ditjen PKRL) in particular also lead to ocean health and ocean accounts," Secretary of the Directorate General of Marine Spatial Management Kusdiantoro said here on Wednesday.
A New Chapter in Offshore Conservation Area Management
(January 9th, 2024) Offshore marine protected areas are the scheme chosen by the Indonesian government to support the program to expand conservation areas by 30 percent by 2045. The scheme is expected to support three important objectives related to the ocean and its resources.
The conservation area, also known as an offshore marine protected area (MPA), is applied to be able to implement the protection of marine biodiversity, and sustainable fisheries with a main focus on offshore waters, and blue carbon.
Muhammad Firdaus Agung Kunto Kurniawan, Director of Conservation and Marine Biodiversity of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKHL KKP), said that the existence of offshore MPA is very important because it plays a role in the process of blue economy development in Indonesia.
The Costly Sacrifices of Indonesian Fisheries Workers
(January 5th, 2024) The demand for Indonesian fishery products in the global market continues to increase from time to time. One proof of this is the achievement of Indonesia's fishery product export performance, which continues to skyrocket throughout 2023, calculated until last September.
Based on the records of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF), the export performance of Indonesian fishery products as of September 2023 has reached USD 4.1 billion, or equivalent to IDR 64.3 trillion. This value is no joke because it has exceeded the target by 53 percent.
However, behind this positive record, there are human rights violations that occur in Indonesia's capture fisheries industry. This conclusion was revealed by Destructive Fishing Watch (DFW) Indonesia.
BRIN Collaborates with PLN Indonesia Power JPR to Develop Ocean Wave Power Plants
(January 4th, 2024) The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) through the Research Center for Oceanography of the Earth and Maritime Research Organization is collaborating with PT PLN Indonesia Power PLTU West Java 2 Pelabuhan Ratu Power Generation Unit (JPR PGU) in maritime research. This cooperation is expected to produce a prototype of an ocean wave power plant that can be developed commercially.
The cooperation was agreed with a Cooperation Agreement (MoU) on Research Collaboration in Oceanographic Dynamics Studies. This cooperation aims to implement oceanographic dynamics studies in the West Java Pelabuhan Ratu area in an effort to strengthen maritime research, especially in the field of new and renewable energy from Indonesian seas.