
Korea-Indonesia MTCRC Anniversary

1st Anniversary of MTCRC

2nd Anniversary of MTCRC

3rd Anniversary of MTCRC

4th Anniversary of MTCRC

5th Anniversary of MTCRC

Korea-Indonesia Ocean ODA Research Equipment Handover Ceremony 

Pullman Hotel Bandung, 3 June 2021

MTCRC had the opportunity to host the Ocean ODA Research Equipment Handover Ceremony. This event is a series of cooperation between Korea and Indonesia in the ODA (Ocean Development Assistance) program to develop research capacity with research equipment. The Korean government has grants research equipment that Indonesia will use later through the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB).

Ocean ODA Research Equipment Handover Ceremony was held in a Hybrid meeting, taking place in the cities of Bandung and Busan simultaneously connected online. This ceremony was attended by:

Korea-Indonesia Ocean ODA Final Reporting and Handover Ceremony

with Joint Declaration on Marine and Fisheries Capacity Building Project

Pullman Hotel Jakarta, 29 August 2023

The Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (CMMAI) and the Korea-Indonesia MTCRC marked the successful conclusion of a four-year ODA project, 'Ocean and Coastal Basic Survey and Capacity Enhancement in Cirebon, Indonesia.' Symbolizing the handover of research equipment and grants from the Korean Government to Indonesia. It also served as the official launch of the next ODA Project ''Establishment of Integrated Ocean Fisheries Technology Training Center and Enhancing Capability Building in Indonesia,' initiated through a Joint Declaration involving key institutions and university representatives.

Ocean ODA Final Reporting and Research Equipment Handover Ceremony was held in Pullman Jakarta. This ceremony was attended by: