Minister Trenggono's Innovation of Seaweed Cultivation Modeling in Wakatobi Successfully Leads to a Big Harvest
(September 28th, 2024) The area-based seaweed aquaculture modeling program in Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi has entered the harvest period, after being inaugurated late last year by Minister Sakti Wahyu Trenggono. The seaweed cultivation area of 51.25 hectares successfully produced around 250 tons.
“This is the good news that we have all been waiting for, after the modeling was inaugurated by the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Mr. Sakti Wahyu Trenggono in November last year, finally reaping results,” said Director General of Cultivation Fisheries, Tb Haeru Rahayu. The production process until it reaches harvest time, continued Director General Tebe, is not easy. Many obstacles were faced, starting from the production stage of tissue culture seaweed seeds which took about 12 to 13 months, trials of environmentally friendly buoys, to obstacles such as diseases and El Nino weather conditions.
Sea Sand Export Controversy: Environmental Threat or Economic Opportunity?
(September 24th, 2024) The issuance of Government Regulation (PP) Number 26 of 2023 concerning the Management of Sedimentation Results in the Sea was the starting point for the pros and cons of the sea sand export policy which was later realized in 2024. The policy is considered to be a confirmation of the ecological sins of the government under President Joko Widodo's regime.
It was Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan who signed Regulation of the Minister of Trade (Permendag) Number 20 of 2024 on August 29, 2024 concerning the Second Amendment to Regulation of the Minister of Trade Number 22 of 2023 concerning Goods Prohibited for Export and and Permendag Number 21 of 2024 concerning the Second Amendment to Regulation of the Minister of Trade Number 23 of 2023 concerning Export Policy and Regulation. The regulation authorizes the re-opening of sea sand exports.
KKP Develops Seaweed Cultivation Modeling in Maluku Province
(September 6th, 2024) The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) continues to meet the target of the seaweed downstream program through the development of pilot or modeling areas, especially in Eastern Indonesia, one of which is in Maluku Province.
Southeast Maluku was chosen and targeted as a modeling development area for seaweed cultivation. Director General of Aquaculture Fisheries, Tb Haeru Rahayu, explained that Southeast Maluku was targeted by President Joko Widodo, because the region has great potential to develop seaweed cultivation.
“It can be seen from the data from the Southeast Maluku Regency Fisheries Service that the potential land area for seaweed cultivation is 8.6 thousand hectares, with the number of cultivators as many as 2.2 thousand people engaged in seaweed cultivation.” said Director General Tebe in the KKP's official release in Jakarta.
Minister Trenggono reveals role of blue economy for food resilience
(August 29th, 2024) Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono revealed the importance of implementing the blue economy program to maintain the sustainability of the fisheries ecosystem and national food security.
This was conveyed in a public lecture in front of hundreds of Hasanuddin University students, Makassar on Thursday (29/8/2024).
The theme of the public lecture was “Implementation of Blue Economy Policy: Realizing Sustainability and Shared Prosperity”.
More than 400 students packed the Baruga Prof.Dr.H.Baharuddin Lopa Faculty of Law which was the location of the public lecture. Minister Trenggono expressed his gratitude and highest appreciation to Unhas students who seemed enthusiastic about attending this blue economy public lecture.
First Year Final Report for KIOTEC ODA Project in Enhancing Human Resource Capacity in Marine and Fisheries Technology
(August 22nd, 2024) The first year-end report for the ODA Project entitled “Establishment of the Integrated Ocean Fisheries Technology Training Center and Enhancing Capacity Building in Indonesia” officially known as ODA KIOTEC, was held on Tuesday, August 20, at The Westin, Jakarta.
The implementation of KIOTEC is conducted by the Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST) and supported by the Maritime and Fisheries Human Resources Development Agency (BPPSDM-KP) on behalf of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) of the Republic of Indonesia. To ensure optimal implementation, the Korea-Indonesia Marine Technology Cooperation Research Center (MTCRC) acts as the official implementing agency representing both countries.
The implementation of measured fishing is promised to start operating on January 1st, 2025
(August 9th, 2024) The end of 2024 is promised to be the last time the relaxation period for the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) priority policy delay, namely quota-based Measured Fishing (PIT). Starting January 1, 2025, PIT will be officially implemented throughout Indonesia.
The remaining time of about five months will be utilized as best as possible by the KKP to continue to finalize the preparation process. Including, how to finalize the determination of fish catch quotas for vessels that have obtained permits in selected water areas. Mochamad Idnillah, Director of Fishing Vessels and Fishing Equipment at KKP, explained that there are three focuses of preparation carried out by KKP ahead of the implementation of PIT. One of them is the improvement of several regulations to perfect the implementation process later.
Indonesia and Seaweed Downstreaming: Great Opportunities in the Maritime Sector
(July 17th, 2024) As an archipelago with a sea area of 3.7 million square kilometres, Indonesia is known to be rich in marine commodities. One of them is seaweed. However, according to the Ministry of Industry, this wealth will be in vain if more efforts are not made in the form of downstreaming the commodity, which has the potential to have a market of USD11.8 billion by 2030.
Quoting the statement of the Director General of Agro Industry of the Ministry of Industry Putu Juli Ardika, optimising the added value of seaweed derivative products such as biostimulants, bioplastics, animal feed, nutraceuticals, alternative proteins, pharmaceuticals, and textiles is key in achieving this potential.
Putu Juli conveyed the importance of product development and innovation to encourage the downstreaming of seaweed.
OceanX and Indonesian Researchers Discover Deep-sea Coral Reefs
(July 8th, 2024) Using submersibles, OceanX and a team of Indonesian researchers have successfully dived 4,800 metres and discovered deep-sea coral reefs.
This was announced by OceanX's Science Programme Director, Mattie Rodrigue, during "Indonesia Mission 2024".
Rodrigue said that the OceanXplorer ship used for this expedition is OceanX's state-of-the-art research vessel. The ship is used to conduct research that has so far covered 15,000m2 of new map data.
This achievement can be realised because the OceanXplorer ship has very capable technological facilities.
According to Rodrigue, during Indonesia Mission 2024, the research team has found 200 samples in the first phase and 300 DNA samples in the second phase.
OceanX-Indonesia Undertakes Mission to Explore Indonesia's Marine Diversity
(June 23rd, 2024) Global ocean exploration non-profit organization OceanX together with Indonesia's Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Kemenko Marves) and National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) have completed the second phase of the “Misi Indonesia 2024” exploration mission that began on May 8.
This was known when the team, which used the advanced research vessel mode, made its termination in the waters of Padang, West Sumatra on Sunday (23/6).
“The special focus in this second round is fisheries management in the West Sumatra area,” said
Acting For Secretary Deputy Of Maritime Resources MARVES Aniza Zuspita accompanied by Director Of Research Vessel Fleet Management BRIN Nugroho Dwi in Padang.
Innovative Collaboration: 7th Korea-Indonesia Joint Committee on Marine Science and Technology
(June 12th, 2024) The Government of Indonesia in collaboration with the Government of South Korea organised the Korea-Indonesia Joint Committee on Marine Science and Technology on Wednesday (12/6) in Busan, South Korea. The annual agenda, which was held for the 7th time, is a manifestation of the commitment of the Governments of Indonesia and South Korea after the establishment of the Implementing Arrangement (IA) between the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries of the Republic of Korea (KSP) and the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Kemenko Marves) of Indonesia on 9 May 2018.
The Coordinating Ministry's Deputy for Maritime Resources Coordination Firman Hidayat said that since the establishment of the Korea-Indonesia Marine Technology Cooperation Research Center (MTCRC) in 2018, the centre has brought significant progress to marine technology cooperation in Indonesia.
Indonesia and Korea Ratify Cooperation to Improve Maritime Human Resource Capacity
(June 12th, 2024) The governments of Indonesia and Korea have endorsed cooperation in the field of human resource capacity building through an ODA project entitled 'Establishment of the Integrated Ocean Fisheries Technology Training Centre and Enhancing Capacity Building in Indonesia' or ODA KIOTEC. The endorsement of the project was marked by the signing of the Implementation Arrangement (PP) on Wednesday (12/6) in Busan, South Korea by the Deputy for Maritime Resources Coordination of the Coordinating Ministry Marves Firman Hidayat, Head of the Marine and Fisheries Human Resources Development and Extension Agency (BPPSDMKP) I Nyoman Radiarta, ODA Project Manager on behalf of the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries (MOF) and the Korea Institute of Marine Science and Technology (KIOST) Dr. PARK Hansan, and, Director of the Korea-Indonesia Marine Technology Cooperation Research Center (MTCRC) Ivonne M. Radjawane.
World Ocean Day: Coastal Residents Urge Revocation of Marine Sedimentation Management Regulations
(June 8th, 2024) World Oceans Day, which is celebrated every June 8, is a momentum for coastal communities in Indonesia to urge the revocation of regulations on the management of marine sedimentation products. The regulation is considered to be increasingly destroying the sustainability of the marine ecosystem while worsening the lives of fishermen.
The regulation is contained in Government Regulation Number 26 of 2023 concerning Management of Sedimentation Results in the Sea. The implementing regulation of the PP is stipulated in the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Regulation Number 33 of 2023.
Blue Economy in Indonesia: between Marine Conservation and Maritime Economy
(June 5th, 2024) Blue economy development is still a focus that is being carried out by the Indonesian Government in the maritime and marine sector. Blue economy principles are implemented, because the focus is to preserve nature, but not to reduce economic development.
One of the chosen forms is to carry out development side by side with conservation programs in Indonesia's marine and coastal areas, so as to balance economic development with ecology simultaneously.
Given that the concept is not easy to implement, the Government is collaborating with many parties in carrying out development. In addition, there are also non-profit organizations that take the initiative to make innovations in supporting blue economy development.
BRIN to Add 2 New Research Vessels, Strengthening Indonesia's Marine Research Fleet
(May 16th, 2024) Deputy for Development Policy at the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Mego Pinandito, on the sidelines of the launch of the Indonesia-OceanX expedition in Nusa Dua, Badung, Bali, said it plans to add two new ships for research needs and mapping Indonesia's marine potential.
The two research vessels to be purchased are vessels that operate at sea level. "The purchase of these two research vessels is still in process," said Mego Pinandito. According to Mego Pinandito, the new research vessels will strengthen the current marine research fleet of four vessels, one of which is the Baruna Jaya Ship. However, Mego Pinandito could not provide details of the budget for the purchase of the two research vessels purchased from abroad. BRIN's target is that the ship will be operational by 2026.
Marine Protected Area Target: The Larger, the Greater the Benefits
(May 10th, 2024) Indonesia continues to strive to realize the target of expanding marine protected areas to 97.5 million hectares by 2045. If realized, this target will cover 30% of Indonesia's total marine area.
Efforts to realize the total area of marine conservation areas in the 100th year of Indonesia's declaration of independence were then shared with the world community during the 9th Our Ocean Conference (OOC) in Athens, Greece, recently.
According to the Director of Marine Biodiversity and Conservation at the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Firdaus Agung, Indonesia seeks to expand marine protected areas, as it is an important process to ensure the sustainability of the ecosystem