Recent Activities
MTCRC Latest Update
Supporting ITB in Program Kompetisi Kampus Merdeka
(Free Campus Competition Program)
1 November 2023
Korea-Indonesia MTCRC supporting ITB activity in ITB Watubelah Cirebon campus managed by the Oceanography Department of Faculty Earth Sciences and Technology (FEST) as part of Program Kompetisi Kampus Merdeka (PKKM)/Free Campus Competition Program.
MTCRC researchers have introduced Drone and GNSS through class, practical, and processing session of OS3102 Oceanographic Data Analysis Methods course and OS3205 Coastal Management course. Around 31 participants joined a full day of activities with countless enthusiasm.
Supporting ITB in Program Kompetisi Kampus Merdeka
(Free Campus Competition Program)
9 and 30 October 2023
Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST) and National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) have signed an MoU on a desk-to-desk basis in both countries. The signing ceremony took place in Indonesia on October 9th at the BRIN Thamrin Office and in Korea on October 30th at the KIOST building.
MTCRC, on behalf of KIOST and serving as the coordinating agency for marine science and technology cooperation between Korea and Indonesia, had the opportunity to showcase their activities and achievements. This signing ceremony underlines the commitment of both institutions to collaborate on various research and innovation projects, enhancing scientific and promoting knowledge exchange.
Installation and Training
Ocean Satellite Server with WITHUS Co. Ltd.
25-31 October 2023
Installation and training of the Ocean Satellite Server was carried out at the Korea-Indonesia MTCRC Cirebon Center regarding the Establishment Project of Korea Geostationary Satellite Utilization System for INNI National Maritime Management.
The training material was delivered by the expert from WITHUS Co. Ltd., Korea Dr. KIM Seongheon (Director), Mr. BANG Sam (CEO), and Mr. KIM Terry (Research Engineer) about how to operate effectively using the Ocean Satellite Server such as data downloading, storage, processing, and data sharing. Hopefully this technology will help and strengthen the cooperation between Indonesia and Korea for a better future of the ocean.
The 4th MSAT Conference & PIT ISOI XI
26-27 October 2023
Korea-Indonesia MTCRC supported the 4th International Conference on Maritime Science and Advanced Technology (MSAT) and the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Indonesia Association of Oceanologists (PIT ISOI). This event took place at the El Royale Hotel in Bandung. Dr. PARK Hansan, the Korean director of MTCRC, had the opportunity to introduce Korea-Indonesia MTCRC as a successful model for an inter-governmental research center during the Plenary Session. Furthermore, speakers from Korea, including LEE Saro from KIGAM Korea and JUNG Han Chul from Yonsei University were also featured as keynote by presenting online. During a special session dedicated to the Ocean Satellite ODA Project, five researchers from MTCRC presented their research findings under the theme of "Ocean Satellite Utilization Special Session”.
The 5th International Conference on Marine Science (ICMS), IPB University
26 October 2023
Korea Indonesia MTCRC Director, Dr. PARK Hansan, had the opportunity as an invited speaker at the 5th International Conference on Marine Science (ICMS) held by IPB University. The theme chosen for this year's IPB University International Conference was "Innovative Marine Science and Technology Solution for Ocean Health, Resilience, and Global Climate Change".
Dr. PARK delivered a presentation on the Introduction and Application of the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI). Additionally, during the presentation, Dr. PARK also introduced the ODA Ocean Satellite which is set to utilize GOCI in the implementation of the project.
Forum Group Discussion
Evaluation of the Impact of a Large-Scale Seaweed Cultivation Pilot Project
25 October 2023
MTCRC participated in a Forum Group Discussion to evaluate the impact of a large-scale seaweed cultivation pilot project in Yogyakarta. This event was organized by CMMAI and included participants such as MTCRC, FAO, Prospera, Sea6 Energy Indonesia, BRIN, DJPRL KKP, BPPSDM KKP, Sam Ratulangi University (UNSRAT), and Gajah Mada University (UGM). During the first session, MTCRC delivered a presentation on the evaluation of the project's impact on biodiversity and blue carbon sequestration.
Deputy coordinating minister for maritime resources of CMMAI, Mr. Firman Hidayat, expressed its hope that MTCRC would continue to support Lombok by conducting a survey on biodiversity and blue carbon in Awang Bay in the near future. They anticipate that this upcoming survey will establish a new baseline for the condition of Awang Bay.
Ocean Satellite Joint Survey in Cirebon
16-20 October 2023
Korea-Indonesia MTCRC, in partnership with KIOST and Green Blue Co., Ltd., conducted a survey in Cirebon waters as part of the implementation of ODA Project entitled "the Establishment of an Application System for Managing Indonesian Waters using the Korean Geostationary Satellite project". The survey focused on measuring photometric parameters and collecting water samples.
The survey covers measuring sea surface reflectance or photometric surveys by measuring the water leaving radiance, sky radiance, and downward irradiance using a TriOS Ramses hyperspectral radiometer sensor, also collecting seawater samples for measuring TSM, Chlorophyll , and CDOM.
Meeting with PRKSDPLD-BRIN
19 October 2023
To enhance collaboration, On October 19, 2023, MTCRC and BRIN held a meeting at the BRIN Thamrin Building Jakarta, specifically with PRKSDLPD (Research Center for Conservation of Marine and Inland Water Resources). This meeting was attended by MTCRC Directors, the Head of PRKSDLPD BRIN, MTCRC Advisory Board members, and their respective staff. Being an introductory meeting, both institutions had the opportunity to present their respective activities, plans, and achievements. Through these introductions, knows that BRIN and MTCRC have projects closely intertwined, such as Blue Carbon and Aquaculture. Both BRIN and MTCRC expressed their eagerness to engage in collaborative research efforts in the future.